
Iambic pentameter shakespeare sonnet
Iambic pentameter shakespeare sonnet

iambic pentameter shakespeare sonnet iambic pentameter shakespeare sonnet

WHY DID HE DO IT? Please record the following notes about the purposes of iambic pentameter on your sheet:ġ.) He did it to show how skilled he was.Ģ.) He did it so the audience can hear better.

iambic pentameter shakespeare sonnet

By now you should be recognizing how difficult it must have been for Shakespeare to not only craft his many sonnets, but also to incorporate iambic pentameter or blank verse into huge portions of his plays. Okay–so you’ve scored iambic pentameter and tried to create your own. I’ll give extra credit to really good ones! I’ve stapled some examples by other students to the bulletin board at the back of the class–check ’em out! If you only have four or you have six, you done messed up, because there should be exactly ten syllables in each line (or five pairs of syllables).Īfter scoring the lines of the sonnet correctly, now try to come up with your own two lines of iambic pentameter! The two lines must rhyme (in fact, you’re creating a heroic couplet–a couplet that rhymes, found at the end of Shakespearean sonnets) and must employ the duDUM duDUM duDUM duDUM duDUm beat structure. Help each other get it right–it can be tricky! Count your iambs. I like to think of the unstressed syllable (U) as the launch pad and the stressed syllable (/) is the rocket going into space. Then put a U (should look like a bucket, not like the letter u) over each unstressed syllable (shall, com, thee, a, mer’s for some examples) and a slanted line / over each stressed syllable. Rough winds| do shake| the dar | ling buds | of May,Īnd sum | mer’s lease | hath all | too short| a date. Thou art | more lov | ly and| more temp| erate. Shall I | compare| thee to | a sum|mer’s day? After every two syllables, draw a vertical line. Look at Sonnet 18 (by the way, you know it’s Shakespearean because the rhyme scheme is ABABCDCDEFEFGG! Bill wasn’t an ABBA fan.). Iambic pentameter: five (penta) repetitions of iambs (unstressed+stressed syllables). It should be on ONE of the many front tables I have taken over. If I haven’t given it to you yet, please find it in the classroom.

iambic pentameter shakespeare sonnet

There’s a sheet (which I may have already given you) with a sonnet by William Shakespeare on one side and some space for notes about iambic pentameter on the other. In my absence, you need to practice scoring iambic pentameter–that means marking the iambs and unstressed, stressed syllables in a line of iambic pentameter or blank verse.

Iambic pentameter shakespeare sonnet