Click on a feature in the list in chat, or type /carpet to get detailed help about each feature.Run /carpet list to see all the togglable options with description.Each installer contains patches for both server and singleplayer versions, and (the best case scenario) should require you to just doubleclick (running) on one patching script. Then go get the install package (zip folder) for your system from, and follow the README that is inside of the zip package.See Earthcomputer's repo for details on the build system. Built based on jarmod-buildsystem-2 by Earthcomputer using Forge Gradle system by Minecraft Forge team. The most comprehensive and convoluted mod for carpets evar. To get updated version of carpet for 1.14 and above, check ▶️ project, that uses fabric framework.

👻 This repository is deprecated as is Minecraft 1.13 by itself and no longer will be maintained.