Transitioning from GUIs to syntax all at once has a steep payoff hurdle: you need to invest a lot of time before you can apply coding to your real data. SPSS was the best tool I used in understanding an analysis workflow. I came into the field with no experience, and I taught myself everything I know in programming. I work in biological sciences where few people have experience with writing code of any kind.

This is why I suggest getting started in SPSS. Learning the syntax is what gives you the flexibility, understanding, and control to solve real problems.

I concur with the original commenter: learn R it's the only mainstream statistical software system you'll ever need. However, GUI's are painfully slow compared to executing from the command line. That's the trade off: GUI's allow you to passively execute commands (without having to remember exactly what they are called or how they work) while using a command line requires an active knowledge of this similar to understanding a foreign language vs. With the sole exception of graphical work, the command line is simply faster than using a GUI once you become familiar with the tool. The old adage "ease of use is inversely proportional to versatility and ability to solve complex problems" continues to hold.īut that's not the only thing. Every GUI development system I've ever seen locks you into design patterns which fail instantly the first time the problem deviates even slightly from what the GUI developer had in mind. Look at how many professional programmers use vi or emacs as their primary editor. This is precisely why I have my Applied Statistics students working with command line R and am really happy there is not a GUI available that just lets them mindlessly click on buttons without having any understanding of what they're doing. I couldn't possibly disagree with this comment more. R-bloggers - blog aggregator with statistics articles generally done with R software. Kaggle Self posts with throwaway accounts will be deleted by AutoModerator Memes and image macros are not acceptable forms of content. Just because it has a statistic in it doesn't make it statistics. Please try to keep submissions on topic and of high quality. They will be swiftly removed, so don't waste your time! Please kindly post those over at: r/homeworkhelp.

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